
Studying Business Administration – Marketing tại Trường ĐH Phú Xuân, sinh viên được học với các chuyên gia về digital marketing xuất sắc nhất Việt Nam và cập nhật công nghệ mới. Không hàn lâm, không lạc hậu là tiêu chí số một của chương trình đào tạo giúp cho sinh viên Phú Xuân có thể có việc làm đúng ngành ngay từ khi trên ghế nhà trường. Quản trị kinh doanh là ngành có sự thay đổi mạnh mẽ, sâu sắc và nhanh chóng nên sẽ phù hợp với các bạn trẻ năng động và đam mê kinh doanh.

Business Administration của ĐH Phú Xuân là ngành học thu hút sự quan tâm của đông đảo các bạn trẻ. Đây là lĩnh vực rộng lớn và có những hướng phát triển rất khác nhau. Thế mạnh của Phu Xuan University là: quan hệ chặt chẽ với doanh nghiệp, sự tham gia của giảng viên doanh nhân, ứng dụng công nghệ thông tin và marketing. Đồng thời, với thời gian tốt nghiệp nhanh giúp các bạn lập nghiệp sớm hơn và có nhiều cơ hội hơn.

What do Business Administration graduates do? Where?

Graduates with a degree in Business Administration – Marketing can take on diverse roles such as business assistants, business officers, sales officers, commercial activities, import-export, content management, marketing, lecturers, independent business, and more. The Business Administration program at Phu Xuan University excels in the fields of marketing, digital marketing, and the application of technology in business – essential skills in the Industry 4.0 era.

Who can study Business Administration?

Business administration is a field that does not have excessively high requirements for any specific subject or skill. However, to succeed in the profession, there are some essential requirements for applicants pursuing the Business Administration major: having an interest in marketing and business activities, having a high level of social activism, having good communication skills, etc.

0 Military semester – Education – National security and defense 3–4 weeks
1 Introduction to the profession and specialized foundation 16 weeks
2 Basic knowledge and professional skills 48 weeks Have enough skills to work
3 Advanced training and specialization 48 weeks
4 On-the-Job Training (OJT) in a business environment 16 weeks
5 Graduation project/thesis 16 weeks
Total training duration 3 years 9 semesters,
3 semesters / year

Orientation Week and Military Semester

The main enrollment period for regular undergraduate programs at Phu Xuan University begins after the annual September 2nd holiday. New students start their journey by entering the university and participating in the "Orientation Week" to familiarize themselves with the new learning environment, teachers, the university, peers, and students from previous years.

Following this, new students will engage in a "Military Semester" that lasts for three weeks. This is a crucial period for new students to get accustomed to collective living, develop collaborative habits, team spirit, and obtain the Security Education and National Defense certificate, which is a mandatory requirement for a bachelor's degree.

Semester 1: Introduction

In the "Introduction to the Profession" semester, students will learn and acquaint themselves with the specialized learning methods and tools of Phu Xuan University, as well as the foundational knowledge of the IT industry, preparing for the next stage.

1 English 1 3
2 Learning Methods at PXU 3
3 Introduction to Business Administration 3
4 Basic Marketing 3
5 Business Environment 3

Semester 2: Business and Customers

1 English 2 3
2 Consumer Behavior 3
3 Customer Relationship Management 3
4 Content marketing 3
5 Social Media, Viral Marketing, and Facebook Marketing 3

Semester 3: Organizing Business Operations

1 English 3 3
2 Business and Business Operations 3
3 Organizational Behavior 3
4 Event Organization 3
5 Website and Search Tools 3

Semester 4: Business Law

1 Specialized English 1 3
2 Business Law 3
3 Marketing Strategy 3
4 Global Business Environment 3
5 SMS Marketing, Email Marketing, and Telemarketing 3

Semester 5: Advanced Technology

1 Specialized English 2 3
2 Human Resource Management 3
3 Marketing Research 3
4 Google Ads and Google Analytics 3
5 Web Management 3

Semester 6: Modern Trends

1 Fundamental Principles of Marxism-Leninism 1 2
2 Fundamental Principles of Marxism-Leninism 2 3
3 Brand Management 3
4 E-commerce 3
5 Entrepreneurship 3

Semester 7: Ideology and Politics

1 Ho Chi Minh's Ideology 2
2 Revolutionary Path of the Communist Party of Vietnam 3
3 Interview, Job Searching, and Employment 3
4 International Marketing 3

Semester 8: On-the-Job Training (OJT)

This semester involves students learning in the practical environment of a business. In addition to accumulating 15 specialized credits, students will become familiar with the practical requirements of the job and be guided by working experts.

The OJT semester is also the time for students to choose and begin preparing for their graduation thesis with topics derived from practical activities at the OJT-receiving businesses.

Semester 9: Graduation Thesis

This is the time for students to consolidate all the knowledge and skills they have accumulated to complete their graduation thesis. Since 2019, 100% of Phu Xuan University students will undertake the completion and defense of their graduation thesis before the university's thesis defense council. With the graduation thesis, students will accumulate 10 specialized credits.

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