Vietnamese Studies – Tourism


Ngành Việt Nam học – Du lịch

Vietnamese Studies (specialization in Tourism) is a field that has experienced explosive job demand in recent years and is also a tradition of Phu Xuan University. Since 2018, with an educational philosophy closely tied to the profession, employment, and social needs, the Vietnamese Studies program has been innovatively emphasizing the development of skills such as foreign languages (students can choose English or Chinese from 2019), cultural tourism, tour guiding skills, etc.

What can Bachelor of Vietnamese Studies – Tourism graduates do? Where can they work?

Graduates in Vietnamese Studies – Tourism can take on various roles in the cultural and tourism sector, such as cultural management agencies, travel companies, preservation, museums, etc. The Vietnamese Studies – Tourism program at Phu Xuan University has strengths in tourism marketing, digital marketing, and the application of technology in tourism – essential skills in the Industry 4.0 era.

Who can study Vietnamese Studies – Tourism?

The Vietnamese Studies – Tourism program is suitable for dynamic young people who love to travel, have good health, have a passion for cultural fields, have a high level of social activity, have communication skills, and especially have a service-oriented spirit.

Training roadmap

The 3.5-year training program at Phu Xuan University provides an opportunity for students entering in September to graduate in March (4-6 months earlier than usual) – a period when most companies have the highest recruitment needs. This is a significant advantage in job hunting after graduation.

Orientation week and military semester

The main admission periods for regular undergraduate programs at Phu Xuan University begin after the annual September 2 holiday. New students start their academic journey and participate in the "orientation week" to get acquainted with the new learning environment, professors, the university, peers, and senior students.

Next, freshmen will engage in a "Military Training Semester" lasting three weeks. This crucial time allows new students to familiarize themselves with collective life, develop teamwork habits and camaraderie, and obtain the required Military Education and National Defense certificates, mandatory for bachelor's degrees.

Semester 1: Introduction to the Profession

During the "Introduction to the Profession" semester, students will learn and familiarize themselves with the specialized learning methods and tools of Phu Xuan University, as well as the basic knowledge of the field, preparing for the next stage.

1Introduction to the Profession: Vietnamese Studies – Tourism3 
2PXU - Training Method and Tools3 
3World Civilization History3 
4Vietnamese Culture Basics3 
5Foreign Language (1)3English/Chinese (optional)
6Physical Education1Condition Credits
7Community Activities (*)Accumulated hours of social work

(*) Participating in community activities and social work is a mandatory requirement to develop a comprehensive attitude – skills – knowledge for students. For programs lasting 12 months or more, on average, every 5 credits, students need 1 hour of participation in community activities and social work before graduation.

Semester 2: Cultural Journey

1Vietnamese History3 
2Organizing territory and tourist destination studies in Vietnam3 
3The system of relics and museums in Vietnam3 
4Culinary Tourism3 
5Foreign Language (2)3 
6Physical Education1Condition Credits
7Community ActivitiesAccumulated hours of social work

Summer Semester 1: Design and Operation of Tourism Tours

1Design and operation of tourism tours3 
2Tourism Marketing3 
3Community ActivitiesAccumulated hours of social work

Semester 3: Tourism and Services

1Psychology and behavior of tourists3 
2Specialized Topic 1: Customer Service3 
3Cultures of Vietnamese ethnic groups3 
4Hue Culture3 
5Foreign Language (3)3 
6Physical Education1Condition Credits
7Community ActivitiesAccumulated hours of social work

Semester 4: Connecting Tourism Routes

1Specialized Topic 2: Business Management of Tourism3 
2Event organization3 
3Religion, beliefs, and festivals in Vietnam3 
4Human Resource Management (HRM)3 
5Foreign Language (4)3Specialized in Tourism
6Physical Education1Condition Credits
7Community ActivitiesAccumulated hours of social work

Summer Semester 2: Specialized Topics

1Specialized Topic 3: Tour Guide Professional Skills3 
2Specialized Topic 4: Management of Restaurants, Hotels3 
3Community ActivitiesAccumulated hours of social work

Semester 6: Tourism Trends – Tourism Technology

1Xu hướng 1: Digital Marketing3 
2Trend 2: Application of technology in tourism3 
3Foreign Language (5): Specialization3Specialized in Tourism
4Basic Principles of Marxism-Leninism (1)2 
5Basic Principles of Marxism-Leninism (2)3 
6Community ActivitiesAccumulated hours of social work

Semester 7: Ideology & Politics

1Ho Chi Minh's Ideology2 
2Revolutionary Path of the Vietnamese Communist Party3 
3Establishment and operation of businesses3 
4Specialized Topic (5): Elective3 
5Research orientation – thesis topics and OJT preparation3 
6Community Activities  

Semester 8: Learning in the Business Environment (OJT)

During the "Internship Semester," students will be immersed in the practical environment of the business. In addition to accumulating 15 specialized credits, students will become familiar with the practical job requirements and be guided by working experts.

Semester 9: Graduation Thesis

Starting from 2019, all Phu Xuan University students will conduct their graduation thesis and defense before the university's thesis board. With the graduation thesis, students accumulate 10 specialized credits.

5 Reasons to Choose PXU

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