The project "Enhancing Digital Transformation Capabilities for Universities in Vietnam" (Digi:Đổi) is sponsored by the British Council and is being implemented during the period 2023-2025. It involves collaboration between the University of Liverpool John Moores (United Kingdom), Phu Xuan University, the Association of Vietnamese Universities and Colleges, along with other partners in the UK and Vietnam. The aim is to establish a digital transformation ecosystem in higher education in Vietnam.
In order to collectively develop a suitable Digital Transformation roadmap for universities, Phu Xuan University, in collaboration with the Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology, organizes the seminar: "Building Roadmap and Strategy for Digital Transformation in Vietnamese Higher Education."
- Date and Time: 09:00-16:30 (Friday), May 26, 2023
- Location: Ho Chi Minh City
- Participants: Leaders of universities, colleges, institutes, education and technology businesses, and relevant government departments interested in digital transformation
- Overview of Digital Transformation Activities in Education from the UK
- Digital transformation models implemented in Vietnamese universities
- Discussion on proposed roadmap and strategy for Digital Transformation in Vietnamese higher education
The seminar will be live-streamed on the Phu Xuan University Fanpage.
Online participation link via Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84292052385?pwd=SVhBbExhV25kRGpYbTJyZjBHaEwxZz09
Meeting ID: 842 9205 2385
Passcode: 12345