The Digi:Đổi Consortium project is sponsored by the British Council's Global Partnering Program (GGP), marking 30 years of collaboration and development by the British Council in Vietnam. Digi:Đổi ("Đổi" is a Vietnamese term meaning "change") aims to create a forward-looking digital transformation hub for future trends, focusing on prosperity, integration, and greenhouse gas reduction. The Digi:Đổi Consortium project focuses on collaborative factors, providing opportunities for cooperation, training, advocacy, and establishing a wide-ranging network to contribute to building a digital transformation system in higher education across Vietnam and the United Kingdom.
This is our first introductory message in this project about the Call for Research in both languages: Vietnamese and English, revolving around key themes of digital learning or digital transformation from the perspective of leaders, professional service providers, and academic experts. We also highly encourage articles collaborated with students. Here are some points that might be helpful for you when participating in collaborative writing with us:
- Enhance international collaboration in your capability profile
- Create multiple impacts in an international environment
- Build skills in international scholarships
The editorial board sincerely invites both Vietnamese and UK co-authors to contribute articles to the Journal of Education and Society on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the establishment of Phu Xuan University, scheduled to be published in June 2023, according to the following content and rules:
- The link between the university and businesses to enhance digital literacy for students towards the digital age (Hosted by Dr. Ho Thi Hanh Tien, Dr. Nguyen Huu Chuc, Phu Xuan University, along with 02 UK co-authors, email: phongqlkhhtqt@pxu.edu.vn)
- Enhancing digital marketing skills through social media for young people with disabilities (MSc. Nguyen Xuan Thanh, Assoc. Tran Thi Thu Thuy, Assoc. Dang Van Trinh, Phu Xuan University, along with 02 UK co-authors, email: thuy.tran@pxu.edu.vn)
- Designing active learning plans and motivation for students to enhance self-learning English language skills through technology applications (Prof. Dr. Nguyen Tien Dong, Assoc. Tran Thi Thu Thuy, Phu Xuan University, along with 02 UK co-authors, email: nguyentiendong@gmail.com)
- Explore the students’ perception before and after first week introduction of a new digital learning English application (Presented by MSc. Ho Thi Ngoc Han, MSc. Tran Thi Minh Chau, Assoc. Tran Thi Thu Thuy, along with 02 UK co-authors, email han.ho@pxu.edu.vn)
- Livelihood and suitable employment for ethnic minority youth: perspectives and support from stakeholders (Dr. Ho Thi Hanh Tien, Dr. Ngo Thi Hang Nga, Dr. Luong Minh Phuong, Phu Xuan University, and Prof. Dr. Tony Wall from Liverpool John Moores University, UK, along with 02 UK co-authors, email: tien.ho@pxu.edu.vn)
- English-language co-authors can participate in collaborative writing in two ways: (1) contribute to writing parts of an article or (2) review, edit, propose content suggestions for the article.
- Leaders of schools, scholars, experts, and researchers from the UK who want to participate in collaborative research writing, please contact via email: phongqlkhhtqt@pxu.edu.vn (Department of Science, Technology, and International Cooperation, Phu Xuan University) as soon as possible.
- For the article: please refer to the writing and posting regulations: https://giaoducvaxahoi.vn/tin-tuc-giao-duc/th-l-vi-t-va-g-i-bai-dang-t-p-chi-giao-d-c-va-xa-h-i-phat-hanh-1-thang-1-s-1.html
- Authors please send articles to the email address: phongqlkhhtqt@pxu.edu.vn
- Published articles will be notified via email: phongqlkhhtqt@pxu.edu.vn
- Articles are around 4,000 – 5,000 words, with a special focus on scientifically applicable solutions, distilled lessons learned… to solve the presented problem; related to practice, especially focusing on content topics about innovative teaching methods, digital teaching and learning, digital literacy for young people, inclusive education, work capacity, school-business connections.
- Short, concise article titles; articles come with a summary, about 5-6 lines, highlighting the main content of the article and some keywords translated into English.
The editorial board sincerely invites Vietnamese co-authors to contribute research and articles to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the establishment of Liverpool John University according to the following content:
- Bài 1: “Năng lực số của tổ chức: một đánh giá kỹ thuật về hướng dẫn tổng quan” (“Organisational digital capability: a technical review of guidance") - Editor-in-chief: Prof. Tony Wall Wall@ljmu.ac.uk along with 3 Vietnamese authors. [Instruction document can be found here]
- Bài 2: “Năng lực số của cá nhân: một đánh giá kỹ thuật về hướng dẫn tổng quan” (“Individual digital capability: a technical review of guidance") - Editor-in-chief: Dr. Katie Hyslop A.Hyslop@ljmu.ac.uk along with 3 Vietnamese authors [Instruction document can be found here]
- Bài 3: “Biến những điều không thể truy cập thành có thể truy cập được: một đánh giá kỹ thuật về các thủ tục về khoảng cách” (“Making the inaccessible, accessible: A technical review of distance procedures"), chief editor Dr. Sonja Rewhorn rewhorn@open.ac.uk along with 3 Vietnamese authors
- Bài 4: “Thịnh vượng số: một đánh giá kỹ thuật về hướng dẫn tổng quan” (“Digital wellbeing: A technical review of guidance”) - Editor-in-chief: Dr. Scott Foster foster@ljmu.ac.uk along with 3 Vietnamese authors
- Bài 5: “Không gian ảo: một đánh giá kỹ thuật về hướng dẫn tổng quan” (tên dự kiến) (“Virtual placements: A technical review of guidance”– working title) - Editor-in-chief: Dr. Katie Hyslop A.Hyslop@ljmu.ac.uk along with Lucy McGrath, Gemma Dale, and 3 Vietnamese authors
- Bài 6: “Đồng thiết kế cho việc học tập có tính kết nối trên quy mô lớn: một đánh giá kỹ thuật về hướng dẫn tổng quan” (“Co-design for connected learning at scale: review of technical guidance") - Editor-in-chief: Prof. Tony Wall Wall@ljmu.ac.uk along with Assoc. Prof. Elaine Huber at Sydney Business School, University of Sydney, along with 3 Vietnamese authors
- Bài 7: “Các kinh nghiệm về Công nghệ Giáo dục ứng dụng trong học tập tùy chỉnh hóa theo năng lực: một đánh giá kỹ thuật” (“EdTech for performance-based, customised learning experiences: a technical review") - Editor-in-chief: Dr. Clay Gransden A.Gransden@ljmu.ac.uk along with 3 Vietnamese authors
- Co-authors will propose additional contributions to the paper structure while providing content from the Vietnamese perspective. If you wish to collaborate on content development, please contact the authors above as soon as possible.
Requirements for HESWBL articles:
- For scientific papers, articles are limited to 2000-3000 words including tables and citations
- The proposed article structure is allocated as follows: Summary (200 words), Introduction (400 words), Technical guidance summary (1000 words), Application (1000 words), Reference (400 words)
- See the writing and posting regulations here: https://www.emeraldgrouppublishing.com/journal/heswbl.
- Authors submit articles to the following address: https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/heswbl.
- For articles approved through the Emerald's EarlyCite system. Emerald sets a zero-embargo policy allowing authors to store the approved draft in the host unit's storage system (e.g., https://researchonline.ljmu.ac.uk/) immediately after publication.