What differing dynamics exist to the learning organization and organizational learning in the Asian Pacific context? What best practice and learning could be shared?
This special issue intends to gather worldwide scholars’ perspectives to illuminate the different challenges, opportunities in the Asia Pacific region, as well as the current subject thought leadership about the Asia Pacific region. It seeks to extend existing knowledge while simultaneously bringing to the fore, key areas for development and enhancement as well as signpost analytical and critical thoughts on the learning organization/organizational learning. It invites theoretically and empirically positioned papers to delve deeper into the notion and relevance of the learning organization/organizational learning and welcomes these views from across a diverse context and geography. Cross-discipline and contemporary studies from different industry and sector perspectives would also have the potential to enrichen understanding in a highly diverse region. There is much opportunity for this special issue to create impact not only in the Asia Pacific region but the wider sharing of best practice internationally. We hereby invite scholarly papers in these areas to share their research and thoughts to benefit the academic and professional community.
- Examining the Asian Pacific dynamics of the learning organization and organizational learning across different sectors and disciplines.
- Examining what contemporary trends are in use, developed or emergent from the region, which has enormous potential for the learning organization and organizational learning.
- Do regional differences and approaches to the learning organization and organizational learning exist? And what, if any, are their impacts?
- Do unique theoretical perspectives and frameworks exist with considering a localized regional dynamic, agenda or culture?
- Does the Asia Pacific region provide opportunities for new tools, frameworks and knowledge to become professionalized or applied in real-world practice?
- Are there comparative differences in the learning organization and organizational learning as a product of being in the Asia Pacific region? Are there similarities in what we already know and how we can build from here?
Key dates
Deadline for Abstract Submission: 26 November 2021
Notification of Abstract Acceptance: 6-10 December 2021
Deadline for Full Paper: 5 Jan 2022
Conference: 12- 14 Jan 2022
Submission instructions
Presenters are invited to submit an electronic copy (either Microsoft Word or PDF) of their papers (in English) with the file names labelled as the presentation title. Papers must be submitted by email to LearningOrgCon@rmit.edu.vn .
All submissions will go through a double-blind peer review process and all presenters are expected to discuss a paper and/or chair a session.
1. To apply for attending the conference, complete the Registration Form.
- In this form, you will be asked to submit the abstract of papers and a short biography of each author (max 300 words).
- If you have problems with the live form, please download the pdf form here and then email the form to us via LearningOrgCon@rmit.edu.vn
2. Full papers should be submitted by 5 January 2022
3. If your paper is accepted, you should receive a notification of acceptance before 10 December 2021
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